Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Daily Pill Reminder : Global Influence

Medication Dispenser 
Frightening is the reality of big pharma’s grip on our rational thought processes .  How ironic that this unchecked power is a disease within itself.  Oozing from the pores of this disease is the fact that any attempt at health care reform will only succeed after any attempt at big pharma reform is successful.  This is not possible.   
Society Issues
An insurmountable task lies ahead.  How do we wean an entire society off prescription medications?  Today’s target is no longer the elderly of our society.  The reality is - and big pharma is aware - that they are a dying customer.  This of course does not stop the industry from sending them off with a huge farewell.  
Our next generation of drug addicts will not be hooked on pot or cocaine.  Already the signs are obvious.  Forced to decide from the multitudes offered, today’s consumer driven parent cannot choose just one designer drug for their child.   A solid lack of sound parenting skills is diagnosed as attention deficit in their children.  
Clawing And Scratching
The drug industry is a powerful machine.  Entrenched into society, interwoven into government policy, and freely stuffed into political back pockets, it has no need for clawing and scratching.  It lives, free range, destroying modern civilization.  

Monday, September 14, 2009

Starvation Effects Of A Sick Planet

Effects of Starvation
While our government institutions continue the raping and pillaging of global civilization, our planet continues to struggle with the effects of starvation.  Money, created from thin air, was instantly found in order to stabilize the financial sector of the planet.  The reason?  A perception of danger.  White collars across the spectrum began living in fear, a fear that their lifestyle was in danger of following the footsteps of the planet’s glaciers . 
Now, thanks to those folks who create and breed fear, we’re told that the planet is actually cooling.  While focusing their talk on cooling, they lead us to believe that global warming is actually climate change.  Forget the fact that extreme weather conditions are on the rise.  Tornadoes reported with regularity where tornadoes were once unheard of.  Ongoing droughts of the exceptional category, five years into the process in some places.  
At the other extreme we now have record floods of the 500 year variety.  Forget the hundred year floods, they now happen with such frequency as to no longer bear any merit.  Thanks to FEMA, we are now provided with revised flood insurance maps.  Homes and homesites, in existence for generations, without ever being close to a flood area, are now required to provide flood insurance to their friendly banker.  Our government, caught with its pants down after Hurricane Katrina, is now able to dictate where flooding will occur.  The relationship between insurance and finance is obvious.  The stench of white collar fraud is overwhelming.  
Nature’s Product
It’s not enough that we control production of food generated on land.  Thanks to declining fish populations across the planet, we now have the hand of man to assist in fish reproduction.  With man’s generous assistance come growth hormones for the farm-raised creature, and disease for the native species, swimming just outside the fences.  Once again, man’s mighty hand taints mother nature’s product.   
Government controlled crop production is coming to a grocery store near you.  Soon.  Today’s farmer no longer farms food.  He produces a commodity based on government subsidies that, combined with a get rich quick for all parties involved crop insurance program, is destined to lead to a food supply collapse of apocalyptic proportions.   
Nature’s Health
Consider a glacier melting.  Nowhere on the planet can starvation effects be more readily apparent.  Or more heartbreaking.  While our planet is entering this so-called cooling period, these massive blocks of ice are disappearing, in instances such as in Patagonia, at an alarming 150 meters per year.  Ice, eons in the making, dripping and pouring into the current below. 
Because these glaciers are a source of water for many societies, what happens when the water disappears?  How terminal does nature’s health become before we raise a hand and say enough?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Environmental Damage From The Hot Air Station

An environmental economy is no longer seen - if it were even considered - as viable.  Our right to a harmonious existence with nature is now overshadowed by the daily air quality report.  When corporate mouthpieces force feed us absurdities whose sole design is to protect the company bottom line, our slow death is assured.  
These absurdities include the stance that a belief in environmental destruction due to uranium mining near the Grand Canyon is in itself an absurdity.  Located “within 10 or 15 miles of the north rim of the Grand Canyon” translates into non-justification over concern of environmental changes to one of the great wonders of the natural world.  Would that be 10, or 15?  There is no justification for concern “by any stretch of the imagination,” so states Ron Hochstein of Denison Mines.  No justification whatsoever. 
What is our bottom line, as a world civilization?  When will we begin to effect change in that global civilization?  What are we, as a consumer driven society, willing to live without?
At what point is health the bottom line, not just ours, but the natural environment that is our home?  In a world so full of so many natural born losers, it’s no wonder we’re fighting a losing battle.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Personal Responsibility : Our Lesson Plan

As our country - this self proclaimed free civilization - continues down its chosen path of divisiveness and derisiveness, in part due to the behaviors of our elected and anointed and appointed government officials, we are fast approaching a major crossroad.  Like it or not, this crossroad of personal responsibility  is going to be a tough pill for some to swallow.
History shows that the personal plan can easily morph into a personal agenda.  Left unchecked, this agenda finds its way into the channels of instant communication. Within these channels lie the greatest threats to moral and ethical responsibility.  
Hate talk radio and night time television are now infected with various forms of drugs addicts.  They’ve abused alcohol and prescription drugs, and as a reward are given a bully pulpit to make themselves obscenely rich, at the expense of the unthinking.  Instead of using their available resources as an outlet for interpersonal skill development, they spew forth vile, hate, and contempt.  While foaming at the mouth, their instant business network fans the flames of ignorance and is comprised of individuals without the ability to think or reason, in turn bringing down the ability of an entire free civilization to have meaningful social discourse with the remaining global civilization.  In essence, these overpriced and overweight mouthpieces are nothing more than famous drug addicts.  
History will not be kind to America.  The melting pot of world culture has taken that amazing gift and turned itself into the punk of world culture.  No longer are we looked upon in admiration.  Ours is the image of the village idiot, the laughingstock of world civilization.  Only through a herculean effort will we be able to alter the message we currently communicate to our brothers and sisters across the planet.  
The racists and hate mongers among us will do well to research social learning skills, and then, learn how to live within those applications.  Either that, or live with the eventual results of social inequality that they so self-righteously believe to be a part of their inalienable right in their addiction to the drug of ignorance.   

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Innovative Tools

Having recently seen a series of ads in a small market, I was left wondering what sort of response the advertisers were receiving from those ads.  To be frank, these ads left little to the imagination simply because little effort was being given in how to market small business.  During the best of times it's vital to market your product.  When the economy takes a dip, as it always does, it's important to have a marketing program already in place.  The savvy business owner has a creative guru - you know, the product marketing services guy or gal, the commercial photographer and/or graphic designer - at his/her beck and call.  We've all seen the results of their union:  an ongoing ad campaign, highly competitive, solid in visual impact, proper placement in a chosen medium, implied promotional concepts, and a solid understanding of where their business is headed.  They understand market demand and they understand the importance of company image.  They keep a watchful eye on their competition.  Those small business owners who try to play catch-up on a shoestring budget are faced with a dreadful uphill battle.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

In September

With September here, it’s time for FOTOSEPTIEMBRE.  This international photography exhibition is currently underway in San Antonio.  Across the city you will find openings and exhibitions throughout the month, into early October.  If you've ever wanted to visit San Antonio, this is a great month to do it and become distracted by the photographic moment.
Having been a member of the Hubpages community for several months, I’ve officially signed up for their 30 Hubs in 30 Days challenge.  Having written several hubs there, ranging from satire to photography to travel, they’ve been published at a relaxed pace.  Now, the structure of goal setting is in place.  Check out the first hub for the challenge, published last night, on the spiritual experience that photography can provide.