Friday, October 9, 2009

To Shoot The Moon

Moon Landscape
Reports indicate that up until October 8, 2009, there have been 18 crashes into the moon’s surface, thanks to mankind’s ability to spend money, and desire to waste energy.  Furthermore, an additional eight attempts were made that somehow missed their mark.

Now we can add two more crashes into the moon landscape.  This time, to prove that, once and for all, there is water on the moon.  This gives hope that, once we’ve destroyed the Earth, we can all take up residence on the moon, giving new meaning to the term “illegal immigration.”

At a speed in the neighborhood of 6,000 mph, the crash has been labelled, by certain news reports, as  “a magnificent job.”  Indeed, magnificent.  To the tune of $79 million.  Imagine how much has been invested in space research over the years.  Now imagine, for a moment, the rate of return on the investment.

Great Quotes
Some of the great quotes in life warrant no discussion, simply for their profound and enlightening message.  Other times, their greatness lies in their sense of profound disbelief.  For instance, because space rocks crash into the moon, on average, four times per month, we’re justified in crashing a 2.2 ton empty rocket stage into the moon. As Peter Schultz, of NASA’s Ames Research Center said, “There’s a reason you drop pumpkins off a 30-story building.”  Then, lest we forget, he informs us that “Geez, I’ve got the neatest job in the world.”  This is a government-funded organization, people.  In other words, 79 million of our tax dollars just vanished.  Poof.  Gone.   

Reality Check
It’s not enough that we have an earth full of waste and debris and garbage and pollution.  It’s not enough that the effects of global warming are accelerating humanity into an unknown and  most likely unforgiving arena.  It’s not enough that the planet’s glaciers are all in retreat.  It’s not enough that we’re running out of carbon- based energy with little effort being put into plan B.  

While bigots insist on not allowing school children to watch and listen to a world leader discuss the importance of education, across the United States people drooled and peed in their pants over the thought of a man-controlled object crashing into the lunar surface.  

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